Happy Birfday Mary!!
Seeking Knowledge
JoinedPosts by Seeking Knowledge
by Mary inwell today's m'birthday!!
i'm uh.........21 again.
for some reason, it's really hit me hard this year and i don't know why.
Bumper Sticker
by BrendaCloutier ini saw this the other day and really like the sentiment.
god bless the whole world.
no exceptions!.
Seeking Knowledge
Where can I get one of those?!!
Please help me understand
by lonelymom inmy daughter was not brought up jw.
her husband and his family are jw's.
once married, my daughter began going to studies and has now converted.
Seeking Knowledge
Lonley: Same with us...he wasn't "practising" while we were together, and I never thought to question it. We were even engaged, which I thought happened too fast, and told him so, but he was insistant. My first clue however, is the man was CHARMING treated me wonderful, told me everything I wanted to hear. Towards the end however, when I realized he was getting back in, he started treating me the way "expected" of him. Now that the glasses are off and hindsight being 20/20 I saw the signs. He couldn't handle the "shunning" that came along with being with me, and went back with his tail between his legs. I wish I would have looked into this more before all of this, but I'm learning now! Perhaps Sherry would like to share her info with all of us??
What is "Pagan" anyways?...
by Hecklerboy inwitnesses love to use the word "pagan", but i think few really even know what the word means.
i think most think of the word pagan as referring to some satan worshiping cult or other strange religion.
they alway say they don't celebrate the holidays because of it pagan origins.
Seeking Knowledge
In my experience, they hold hypocrasy in high regard!
What is "Pagan" anyways?...
by Hecklerboy inwitnesses love to use the word "pagan", but i think few really even know what the word means.
i think most think of the word pagan as referring to some satan worshiping cult or other strange religion.
they alway say they don't celebrate the holidays because of it pagan origins.
Seeking Knowledge
Mary--you beat me to it!
Please help me understand
by lonelymom inmy daughter was not brought up jw.
her husband and his family are jw's.
once married, my daughter began going to studies and has now converted.
Seeking Knowledge
Hi Lonelymom & Welcome
I have a similar problem in that my ex went back to the JW's after being out for awhile and after we had a child, so I am now fighting him for our son's sanity. I am not a JW either so I feel for you. Stay on the board, you'll learn alot and get lots of support!
it's funny how people who hate the jw's so much stick around the forum..
by jwbloodline innot hating or directing this at anyone.
but if you guys hate the jw ways so much, why stick around the forum.
the internet is full of things to do.
Seeking Knowledge
Jwbloodline...I am not nor have I ever been a JW. I am guilty by association only. YOU have reassured me what a blithering bunch of simple minded people some JW's are in their way of thinking. You are proving to everyone on this board touched by the JW's just how JW's act when faced with an outside challenge to their beliefs, just like a child who doesn't get their way. Thank you, I'm convinced-- you'll fit right in. Congratulations.
What is your most ridiculous example of being shunned?
by formerout ini was just having lunch in a wendy's near my house an hour ago.
an elder and his wife entered and got in line to order without seeing me seated in the eating area.
after a minute the wife turned and saw me.
Seeking Knowledge
I have a "reverse" shunning story. I've always been taught that if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't. So when it's time to interact with my ex and his wife (both JW's) due to several outbursts by this girl, I find it best to just "be". I don't engage in small talk, I don't say anything. The last outburst she had with me, I found out that my "ignoring" her when we are in the same room is "rude" and "disrespectful" and I'm being immature. Reading all this, I'm thinking maybe she's getting a dose of what she's supposed to be?
Being a JW Woman - Was It Really That Bad?
by eljefe ini have seen quite a few posts from many ex-jw women about how unhappy they were about male domination in congregation.
was it really that bad?
when i was still a jw, no one ever told me anything to that effect.
Seeking Knowledge
See! Learning something every day. I can only speak from the outside, but clearly my ex's new wife runs the roost between the two of them. They do, however still live with HIS parents and she seems to be quite happy with that. I've had a couple "moments" with her, and he sits there like a lump saying nothing. She is so not submissive or respectful.
Are you a JW Hater?
by MelbaToast inreading a topic in here, i came across a conversation regarding jehovah approved(tm) sports.
i noticed that two of the posters were insensed at the amount of ex-jws in this forum.. they started ignoring everyone else that had put their opinion in on the subject....and decided that everyone in this forum was a jw "hater".
i myself take offence to that, for i don't hate the jw's.
Seeking Knowledge
Takes too much energy to hate someone. I don't hate my ex....he gave me my son, but I do hate the the practice he now preaches. It's easier for him to be instructed in life than take the responsiblity to live for himself.